JFSA Caring at Home: Shuttle on the Go!

JFSA Shuttle-On-The-Go! is a free service for JFSA clients that provides round-trip transportation to appointments, JFSA programs, and grocery shopping.


Schedule a ride three business days in advance. Reservations are subject to availability. Please have the following appointment information available before calling: name, address, phone number, date ride is needed, appointment time, return time, name of destination or provider, destination address, destination phone number, if you use a wheel chair or walker or have an escort.

Shuttle service is wheelchair accessible. Please notify scheduler if rider will be riding in a wheelchair. Rider must provide his/her own wheelchair.

Caregivers are welcome to accompany client in vehicle. Please notify the scheduler when scheduling appointment. Drivers are not permitted to make unscheduled stops. Riders (including caregivers accompanying clients) must sign Consent & Waiver from provided by the driver upon first ride in order to use the shuttle.

Be prepared and flexible. JFSA Shuttle on the Go! may arrive 10 minutes early or late.