Joseph and Florence Mandel Jewish Day School The Middle School

Mandel JDS’s middle school program continues to challenge and stimulate students academically, building upon earlier grades.

Kim Favor, Middle School Director

Mandel JDS’s middle school program continues to challenge and stimulate students academically, building upon earlier grades.


The Middle School Division:
  • Challenges students academically and creatively
  • Broadens students’ education and understanding with its integrated curriculum of Judaic and general studies
  • Builds strong math, science and reading skills to prepare for higher education
  • Helps mold the student’s Jewish identity within one’s family and one’s community
  • Enhances the understanding of fine arts by in-depth study and participation in drama, visual arts, and music programs
  • Supports and guides students with a comprehensive advisory program
  • Develops well-rounded adults with volunteer opportunities and extra-curricular activities