NCSY is the premier organization dedicated to connect, inspire and empower Jewish teens and encourage passionate Judaism.
Rabbi Ben Sadik , Cleveland Director
Cleveland NCSY creates powerful and inspirational programming, intriguing the minds and souls of Cleveland teens to the known and unknown wonders of Judaism.
- Cleveland NCSY helps more than 50 Jewish teens every year get on incredible summer experiences, most in Israel.
- Cleveland NCSY runs programming on a weekly basis as well as social events on a monthly basis, with events including the entire Central East NCSY Region many times throughout the year.
- Cleveland NCSY offers a range of programs that reach teens in their schools, brings teens together in more central locations such as coffee shops and helps teens positively impact their lives.
- Cleveland NCSY’s goal is to make everyone a passionate Jew on their own level.
Our Programs
NCSY Jewish Student Union (JSU)
JSU clubs are facilitated by NCSY staff in public schools. By fostering a social atmosphere and presenting engaging educational and recreational programs, these weekly clubs help Jewish teens continuously enhance their personal Jewish identity, nurture their connection with the State of Israel, and develop a deeper involvement with the Jewish...
NCSY Shabbatons
An NCSY Shabbaton is an opportunity for teens to visit other cities, meet other Jewish teens and experience awesome Judaism.
NCSY TJJ – The Jerusalem Journey
NCSY sponsors TJJ: The Jerusalem Journey, a 4-week Israel trip for teens.
NCSY Jewish Scholars Program
NCSY Jewish Scholars Program is an incredible way to meet friends, get your Jewish questions answered, have fun, and become a Jewish leader.