Agudath B’nai Israel Synagogue
Our community goes back more than 100 years although the first congregation was not chartered until 1902. The congregation, as we now know it, resulted from the merger in 1925 of three distinct but smaller congregations -- Agudath Achim, B'nai B'rith and Beth Israel -- hence, our name.
Sheila Evenchik, Coordinator/Office Manager
This is augmented by a Shabbat morning service which is held 52 weeks a year. The Shabbat morning service is followed by a sit-down Kiddush often sponsored by congregants in celebration of special occasions. Weekday minyanim are arranged on an individual basis to enable traditional observance of yahrzeits.
The synagogue was constructed in 1968. The 283-seat sanctuary is walled on three sides by stained glass screens, designed by the award-winning artist, Douglas Phillips of Cleveland. Twelve panels, six on each side, concentrate on the themes of Torah and the history of the Jewish people, working in symbols of both contemporary design and color.
The building houses an educational wing with ten classrooms including a children’s library, a Chapel, youth recreation room and library. We currently share our facilities with the Little Lighthouse Learning Center who use the classrooms, several offices, the kitchen and the social hall.
Other Information:
Mark Jaffee, Religious Director
Arnold Milner, President